“Success comes from knowing that you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming.” – John Wooden
Last quarter we hit an on-time percentage of 96.1% of all of our deliveries. Not bad when you consider most of these late runs are beyond our control, with weather, traffic delays, customer issues, etc. The question I ask within our organization is how can we get better, get to 100%? How can we become the PERFECT transportation company? We all want perfection, but is it realistic? How do we know we really are giving all that we are to get there?
None of us are perfect, but that is no excuse to stop striving for perfection. Perfection in transportation is simply unattainable, but that doesn’t stop us from giving our all. Although perfection is our main goal, we are realistic about it. We need to forgive ourselves and others as we all make wrong decisions and mistakes throughout our days. As a company, Winnesota Regional Transportation’s philosophy is to learn from our mistakes and to be a better company for it. Saying sorry is one thing, but acting like you are sorry is another. We take seriously any slip in service to observe and learn, so we are not repeating silly mistakes time and time again. We believe that is a key factor to our success and the customer loyalty we have garnered over the years.
We can confidently tell our customers that we will give it our all for you. We may at times come up short of perfection, but we will learn and grow to do our best again tomorrow. Striving for the unattainable, but striving nonetheless with all we can possibly give! Knowing we did our best is what I define as perfection in transportation and I promise we will do exactly that for our customers each and every day!
Nick Olsen
© 2025 // WINNESOTA 952.253.4274